So some of you might have heard about our little rendezvous in Napa last Saturday. For those of you who didn't, we participated in a photographer's conference as models. I had been interested in doing a "Trash the Dress" session for a while, but they are a bit expensive, so I hadn't fully committed. One of the photographers I had contacted about doing a "Trash the Dress" session emailed me asking if I would consider being a model for thier conference. Umm free pictures (and free hair and make-up?) Sign me up! Even if the pictures were bad, we weren't losing anything! There were at least 6 or 7 photographers shooting at all times. Only one photographer has emailed me with her pictures yet so expect more in the weeks to come!
Our wedding pictures weren't bad at all, just kind of boring. Doing a shoot like this, we hoped to get some more interesting pics (and no, I didn't "trash" my dress at all, it's just a little dirty on the bottom) which I think we did. Take a look! (I can't figure out how to do a slideshow so just click
here to see her flickr album)