Tuesday, February 5, 2008

the 31

So usually in morning, Patrick and I take the 31bx which is basically an express bus full of commuters. Occasionally, like this morning, we miss the BX and have to take the regular 31. Lets just say that the crowd on the 31 is slightly different than the crowd on the 31BX. For example, this morning: The guy sitting next to us leans down, rips off the top part of his sock, blows his nose into it and then proceeds to put it in his pocket. Then, he loudly guffaws (yes that is how you spell it) at the name of some store, makes a random (and very loud) comment to the guy sitting next to him, and proclaims to us all "I'm outta here". He then develops a Boston accent and tells everyone to move 'attamaway' and asks the door to "Open Sesame". When he gets off he just stares at all of us on the bus instead of going on his way. Crazy!!

Needless to say, We prefer the BX.


Diana Hulme said...

oh my gosh, are you serious about the sock? wow!!! riding the N-Judah muni everyday, I completely understand. :) Although in my case, its usually that you're just pressed face to face with the people around you.

It was fun to make dolls with you + kristy last night. :) did you guys finish after i left?

Carrie said...

People watching can get pretty exciting around there!