It's taken me almost two weeks to get my camera and the cord in the same place.
Two weekends ago, Patrick and I had the time of our life. We got to puppy-sit for one of my friends from work AND go to the Renaissance, I mean "Ren" faire. Talk about a good couple of days!
I'm not too into dogs. Actually, that's not true. I feel the same way about them as about babies. I like them--just not ready for my own. haha. Hence the babysitting, right?
We love Cash. I mean LOOOVVEEE Cash. I've missed him every day since we gave him back to Jonny. Come back to visit please!
He rode the bus with us every morning.

How can you resist this face?

He hung out in my office every day.

He slept with us every night. At first I thought I would hate it. Oh Noooo, I loved it.

We also ventured into a strange land known to the participants as the "Ren" faire.

I'd been once or twice as a kid and had great memories. When I saw the ad on the side of a bus, I demanded we go. Needless to say, it did not disappoint. Well worth the $18 admission fee. We'll definitely be back (in like 5 years).

Also, I could gain 60 pounds and still be sexy according to these folks. I like the way they think. (But not the way the women umm "show off" the extra weight on top, if you get my drift)

We've been having a really good summer. And just think, for SF, it's just begun!
We totally saw these busty ladies over at the pizza shop on Irving in all their glory. How classic would it have been if this line of Ren Fair people marched in, with Sarah and Patrick marching right behind them!
Renaissance Fair?! I never realized before that you were a nerd! The Ren fair folks are right up there with Civil War re-enacters, in my book! Oh well, I'll bet it was highly entertaining.
::: confession :::
I was a civil war re-enactor. Scary, eh?
and that is the cutest dog ever! What breed is it?
What a fun festival, I would totally drag Tyson to something like that!
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