Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Fattest Housewives of San Francisco

First off--thanks for the well wishes so far! I really appreciate it, and would love to hear tips, recipes, etc from all of you!

I do want to quickly clarify my "low carb" comment--I mostly mean to cool it on the bread before dinner, the french fries, the cookies, stuff like that. I'm really excited about exploring some new whole grain options--just need to quit with the refined/processed ones. I'm a carb-a-holic and it's definitely a major factor with my weight gain. I am proud to say that at lunch today I passed on the bread at the table AND swapped my fries for salad.

That said, Morgan and I have decided to start our own little "biggest losers" competition--So if anyone is interested in joining, please let me know! We'll be starting it officially next week.

I don't know about you, but my goal is to look like Gretchen from Real Housewives (no, that's not a joke. Just an unrealistic goal)


Drew and Kat said...

Hahh! Go you, but I am sure you are the far away from the fattest housewife of SF!

I think EVERYONE struggles to eat healthy now a days. I have to eat out a lot at work, so I usually take half of the portion and put it in a takeaway box as soon as we sit down and it keeps me from eating too much!!!

Some salads are worse then french fies at certain places. There is a book series called "eat this, not that" and it is my lifesaver for eating out! It compares different restaurant options and calories and helps you make healthier choices that you wouldn't realize otherwise! I bet you can check it out at the library! It's great!!!

Kristina said...

Best of luck to you guys with your new goal! Here are some tips that I have found that helped me lose weight:
1) Try to only eat when you are actually hungry. I remember that all of the kids in High School that were skinny did this. They honestly would not eat lunch if they weren't hungry. I've noticed that it helped me.
2) Drink lots of water. It can be really filling. One thing I read that I should do more is to drink a whole glass of water before you start eating dinner. It fills you up and you end up eating less.
3) I have a super hard time sticking to diets because I always end of craving things. I think it's better sometimes to just focus on portions. Then you can eat what you want as long as it is in moderation.
4) Find a way to make exercising fun. I like to read while on the elliptical or we will recruit lots of friends to go play frisbee or whatever. I think I burned the most calories while reading the Twilight books because I didn't want to put them down, so I'd keep running on the treadmill/ elliptical.
5) Share meals at restaurants if you do go out. One entree almost always is plenty of food for two people.

I'm not an expert, but these things worked for me and I've kept the weight off! And I don't feel like it is a ton of work! Good luck! I'm excited to see the recipes that work well for you!

P.S. How have you guys been?

Kimberley said...

I too am a carboholic... especially in the form of baked goods! What does this Biggest Loser thing entail? I am seriously considering it, I need some motivation to slim down!

Natalie | Make Today Great said...

I am a huge carbs girl.

I hate salads but I've been forcing myself to eat them for the past week or two -- and it is actually getting better.

good luck!

Tiffany said...

girlfriend its time for an update!