Thursday, October 14, 2010


How much OJ do you need for breakfast for 75 people?

How many eggs and milk do you need for french toast for 75 people?

How many freaking sausage links do you need for 75 people?

The Church camp-out is tomorrow, and I might just be freaking out a little bit.

Let's just say, I'm real excited for this weekend to be over.

over and out.


Diana Hulme said... poor thing. it will be over soon! :)

Jason and Kristine said...

haha...I'm so sorry! Being in charge of something like this is the worst!

You're doing a great job though! I'm sure it is going to be awesome!

Yancy said...

Leah had to plan the food for girls camp last year, so I know how you feel.

Her go to for that kind of info is her mom. (She happened to work as a lunch lady for a year, so has a pretty good sense on how much food you need to feed large groups of people).