Friday, November 5, 2010

Leaving, On a Jet Plane...

*I would just like to point out that this post is made possible by In-Flight WiFi.

After a sporadic burst of frequent business travel, I've become quite the "Up in the Air" -esque snob. I'm hitting "Silver status" on Delta on Monday and my extremely optimistic goal is to reach "Gold" by Christmas. Although, at the rate I'm going, maybe that isn't too unrealistic. Then MAYBE I won't be in the back row middle seat anymore (that's what you get for booking day-of flights, I guess. Who knew Detroit was such a popular place?!!)

I'm miffed when the in-flight Wifi isn't working. I complain when the power outlet under my seat doesn't work properly. A year ago, I was content if I got a TV, let alone internet and an outlet to charge my laptop.

If my room at the Westin isn't big enough, or on the "Preferred Guest" floor, I'm irked. Excuse me, where's the bath robe??

All my conversations with co-workers at the hotel bar are about "elite status" or the best hotel rooms. And I'm getting a little addicted to Diet Coke (Why does it taste so much better than water on an airplane?).

What's happening to me? I love my jet-setting ways, but I'm starting to understand why "Road Warriors" get so burnt out.

See you Monday, Detroit. Here's hoping I'm on the 23rd floor. And that I don't forget my underwear again.

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