Friday, October 5, 2007

Big Brother

Don't get me wrong, I love google. I love all the sweet applications they give us. I just don't love that they send the PARTNERS at my job updates about their agency every morning. And that this morning it included a link to my new blog. My new blog that says I was bored yesterday at least 3 times. And had 5 postings in one afternoon. At least it didn't say anything bad about the company. But that's because I don't have anything bad to say about the company. I love this company! I also will no longer refer to my agency by their name--just in case Google continues its amazing search powers and gives them more to call me into my director's office about. oops. They did tell me they were glad I found my wallet. (because apparently they read the ENTIRE thing. Does that mean I'm interesting?)


becca said...

way to go on "blogs i stalk." why can't i just be "becca"?


Nat said...

i'm guessing they gave you more to do since your postings are decreasing

andrea said...

oh my gosh Sarah I laughed so hard at this post.. that is pretty creepy. hahahaha. I love it.

Yancy said...

do you stalk my blog? :)